This gallery contains a variety of large and small mammals, from Bats to Buffalo. You’ll even find a few species, often left out of your mammal list when visiting natural areas such as the Sherman’s Fox Squirrel or the American Red Fox.

You’ll see the massive herbivores we all expect in the western United States, such as Elk and Buffalo.

As you know, some mammals can be the most intimidating of the members of the animal kingdom as we see the apex predators on the food chain!

These top predators are magnificent when you see them in their natural habitat, living their lives away from humans. However, when development intrudes in their world changing its natural patterns, these animals must change their behavior to survive. This is often when conflicts with humans happen. For me, it seems that’s when many people would rather eliminate the perceived threat, instead of understanding their plight.

 The next time you see a predator like a coyote in your backyard, remember he has a purpose, and he too is trying to survive.